How to start a revolution in Australia
March 15, 2017
Text and video created in July 2016
How to start a revolution in Australia
Go to a place that you don’t know
Preferably in the other hemisphere
Go to the place that is unknown
To you
You don’t know the people there either
Simply come from a far
This might help
15 616 km in a straight line on a globe’s map is equivalent to what I call “far”
This is your baggage
A rich life history
A home
A very good education
Leave it
Start to work
As a cleaner
A babysitter
A gardener
Dog walker
House sitter
Or whatever job you find a bit embarrassing
Taking into consideration your big baggage.
Pretend you know less than other people
Otherwise they won’t give you the job
Or they will feel bad in your company
And discover the beauty in it
Entering other people’s houses
Their intimacy
They open it for you
Be humble
Have your eyes wide open
Listen more than talk
Work with your hands
Work with your body
By biking everyday back and forth
Approximately 17 km
6 in the morning
up hill, down hill
Up hill, down hill
It’s not Amsterdam you fool
Hampton Road, Dendy Street, Jasper Road,
Hampton, Brighton, Sandringham
They say wealthy people live here
Wealthy people only bike on Sundays when the weather is nice
Probably that’s why they didn’t create bike roads there, here
Big cars, big roads, big houses
I’d better ride on South Road’s footpath
Don’t want to die under the wheels of some family car full of loud kids
Being dropped off at school
Everyday is the same
Same families, same cars, same houses, same schools, uniforms, food, meat, tvs, gardens, clothes, wives, husbands, marriage, heterosexual,
When they ask you “how are you today?”
You always answer “very good”
But inside you shout: I’m afraid, I’m tired, I feel fear, big fear, anxiety, loneliness, despair and anger
Anger with myself
Do you really want to hear these answers?
I hate to lie
This is what they call “a normal life”
I’ve never wanted to be a part of it
But I am now
I placed myself here
It’s not so bad
I know it from before
Because what is normal?
Eventually the last turn on Bluff Street
Up hill
Damn it
Finally the lights
breathe, remember to breathe
breathe into your heart
open your heart
open your heart to everything and everyone
to yourself
after your work
for 1 hour
go to the other part of the city
to search for the chaos that you are used to
chaos of the ugly, disorganized city,
it’s so hard to find it here
observe people
observe homeless people, insane people
there are so many of them here
Is this postcolonial trauma exposed, passing through these sensitive people?
I can feel Aboriginal people
Even though I have not seen one here
go to trashy places
observe the chaotic performance which goes on
in the streets
this is so familiar to you
makes you feel more at home
put your ego a side
do as much as you can out of your comfort zone
be vulnerable
go into unknown
swim in the freezing ocean
when it’s the rush time of your revolution
you might discover your most precious gold nugget
there were so many newcomers arriving this land
many years ago
to search for big gold nuggets
to search for their dreams
they were obsessed with that
thousands of men from Europe, from the United States, from Asia,
strong and persistent men
who had their big dream and a goal in front of their eyes
to find the biggest gold nugget in the land of Australia
and it’s you who have found it
years after them
or frankly
your gold nugget might have been their creation
but that doesn’t matter
fall in love
fall in impossible love
fall in love with
fall in love with a queer
the gold nugget you have discovered here, your baby, your friend, your love
but it is not yours
You don’t want to own it
You don’t own any baggage now
You don’t want to own anyone
You don’t want to own anyone
I don’t want to own anyone
As no one owns me
shine baby when I leave
I will keep your beauty that you shared with me
In my bones, deep in my bones
I’m a mountain, you’re the ocean
You want to die from freezing in the mountains
I want to die from jumping into the deep wild ocean
funny coincidence, isn’t it?
I said “we are two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after years”
Is it really true?
I don’t know
But to keep the revolution going
You have to forget
Forget who you are
Who you were
Even who you are becoming
who am I really here?
I’m a woman,
I’m a physical worker,
I’m European with a funny Polish accent,
I’m a professional cleaner
I’m a professional disaster
I’m single,
I’m queer,
I’m gay,
I’m straight,
I’m a punk,
I’m a junk,
I’m a waste,
I’m a traveller,
I am an anthropologist
I’m an artist,
I’m a performer
I’m a dancer,
I’m a choreographer,
I’m a feminist,
I’m an adult,
I’m a child,
I’m a fool,
I’m pathetic,
I’m ordinary and extraordinary,
I’m a drama queen
I’m a drag queen
I’m a nerd
I’m an introvert and extrovert at the same time
I’m Gemini
I’m a diamond
I’m a shaman
I’m a jellyfish
I’m a whale
I’m a star
I’m a deer
I’m a mountain, you’re the ocean
The ocean and the star
I’m a soul
I’m spiritual
I’m practical
I’m a challenge
I’m the biggest challenge to myself
I’m sad
I’m happy
I’m scared
I’m here
I’m there
I am and I am not
I am and I am not
I am and I am not
I am and I am not
Jestem I nie jestem
Jestem I nie jestem
Jestem I nie jestem
Jestem I nie jestem
Jestem I nie jestem
I’m words, I’m sounds, I’m whatever you want me to be, I’m what you hear, I’m what you imagine me to be, I’m everything you can’t imagine me to be
I’m no one and everyone
I’m nothing and everything
Everything you want me to be
Everything that you see
I’m a body
I’m this body
This body with unequal breasts and dark spots that represent my life dramas
I have this body
I own this body
I’ve always wanted to control this body
But I can’t any more
I let go
I don’t want to control anymore
My body is not my private space
my body is public space
does private space exist without public space?
private is acknowledged by public
or was that the other way around?
my body is political
it has always been
not only my body
every body is political
I lose control
I lose control when I expose myself
Then I’m able to share some intimacy, vulnerability
Isn’t it the main reason we all came here today?
To share some intimacy, through words and presence
And bodies
And dreams
Dreams, as the old Gold Rush pioneers had
We are here to share some intimacy in order not to feel so lonely,
We are here to encounter the other
as the anthropologists say
The Other
Aboriginal, means those who were here from the beginning
People who know and remember the Dreamtime
We forgot this
Hopefully poetry will bring us there
I guess all of you were in this land since the beginning of my stay
Are you the aboriginals that I encountered here?
In this country
In this country
My body has changed
They say that the revolution brings a change
Is it me who brings the revolution to my body?
Or is the body that brings the revolution to me?
Who am I then? Am I my mind?
Not really
I know it already
that it’s one
I’m one
I’m a body and a mind
United during a ritual
Ritual of my life
Ritual of my art
This is a ritual
My revolution is the ritual